Our server rules have been updated with the following changes:
G2: Your Minecraft skin must not be offensive, nor contain NSFW or PG-13 content.
G2: Your Minecraft name/skin must not be offensive, nor contain NSFW or PG-13 content.
G3: Impersonating staff members, whether it be through skins or messages in chat, is prohibited. This includes mini-modding.
G3: Impersonating other users in an attempt to deceive someone is prohibited. This includes mini-modding.
S5: Any scams that include real life objects, possessions, or money will be considered bannable and will come with a much heavier punishment.
S5: Any trading that include real life objects, possessions, or money will be considered bannable. This includes purchases on our server store.
C5: Your Minecraft username and /nick if you have one must be compliant with all of our rules, as well as the following criteria:
> Easily readable and typable with a QWERTY keyboard (i.e. no fully “&k” nicknames)
> Does not imitate another user
> Does not attempt to falsely mark oneself as being part of the staff team
> Contains no inappropriate content
C5: If applicable, your Minecraft /nick must be compliant with all of our rules, as well as the following criteria:
> Easily readable and typable with a QWERTY keyboard (i.e. no fully “&k” nicknames)
> Contains no inappropriate content
G2: Your Minecraft name/skin must not be offensive, nor contain NSFW or PG-13 content.
G3: Impersonating other users in an attempt to deceive someone is prohibited. This includes mini-modding.
S5: Any trading that include real life objects, possessions, or money will be considered bannable. This includes purchases on our server store.
> Easily readable and typable with a QWERTY keyboard (i.e. no fully “&k” nicknames)
> Does not imitate another user
> Does not attempt to falsely mark oneself as being part of the staff team
> Contains no inappropriate content
C5: If applicable, your Minecraft /nick must be compliant with all of our rules, as well as the following criteria:
> Easily readable and typable with a QWERTY keyboard (i.e. no fully “&k” nicknames)
> Contains no inappropriate content