
- Disable the use of Towny Flight Pots in PVP/Arena Chunks
- A command to view a scoreboard of the top users in Weekly challenges (like jobs top) instead of it showing in Tab since sometimes the numbers get too long or their positioning/alignment gets broken sometimes
- Ability to buy Axolotls at the Zoologist
- Ability to buy Glow Ink Sacs at the person who sells Dyes
- Timer on tab for how much time you have left in a job potion (like towny flight timer)
- Add hoisting to Staff & Donator ranks on tab because sometimes you have ranked people all over the playerlist, and it would be nice if it was organized from highest priority to lowest rather than just alphabetical
- Ability to send people items from/to different worlds (ex: when someone is in spawn world and I'm trying to gift them something from Towny, it says they are located in a different world/dimension)
- Remove Indo Volcano since there's already Volcano, and Indo Volcano doesn't get that much use